Just Another Q’anjob’al in Los Angeles

Chapter 15

Marcos siendo bautizado en un río junto a otras personas.

Baptism day in Los Angeles, California. Dad, with crossed arms, observes the precise moment when members of the evangelical church where we attended, are about to plunge me into water.

Tíos de Marcos comiendo tamales.

Attending church was very important. A special event. We combed our hair and got suited up. Every holiday was the perfect occasion to have tamales made from the original recipe from our native Huehuetenango.

Marcos, su primo Maco, y su profesor.

One of my cousins and I had the same name: Marcos. We were around the same age. Therefore, to avoid confusion within the family, we called him Maco. In this picture we were with an English teacher. Maco and I took English classes after school to learn the language faster. Additionally, Maco taught me to drive. He and I had many adventures while growing up. Sadly, cancer took him away when he was just around 27 years old.

Marcos Antil en el zoológico de Los Ángeles.

During my first days in Los Angeles, California, the zoo was one of the first places I visited. This huge and populated city of Los Angeles, frightened me. It stood in total contrast to my beloved Santa Eulalia.